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Trouble logging in?

Are you on the correct login page?
If you are an end-user trying to submit or promote an event, suggest an edit, or mark favorites, you should login on the following page:

If you are an admin user, you can login on the regular login page above or on the admin login page shown below, it doesn't matter as long as you use the email address associated with your admin user account.

Forgot your password? 
You can reset your password by clicking on "Forgot Password" on the login page.  An email will be sent to you with instructions for creating a new password.   The token in that email may only be good for up to 24 hours.  If it doesn't work, you may need to submit a new "forgot password" request.

Didn't receive the reset email?
If you don't receive a reset email, one of the following may be happening:
1. You may have a typo in your email address.  Check to make sure you entered your email address correctly.
2. It may be in your spam/junk mail.
3. It may be getting held up by your email exchange.  Make sure that you have white-listed with your email exchange/provider and then submit a new "forgot password" request.

How can I tell if I am logged in?
When you are logged in, you should see a silhouette at the top right of the calendar header. If you are logged in, it will be highlighted and when you hover over this it should say "Log out".  If it is grayed out, or says "Log in" when you hover, then you are not logged in.

I am an admin user, and am logged in, but am not seeing any admin features.
If you are an admin user, and are logged in, but are not seeing the admin features (such as inline edit or editors picks), then one of the following is happening:
1. You may be on a site that is not associated with your admin account (e.g., another CitySpark customer site).  Note that your admin privileges only apply to the sites your user account is associated with.
2. You may have logged in with another/personal email address, not associated with your admin user account.  For example you may have logged in with Facebook or Google, when your admin email address is your work email.
3. Your admin privileges may have been changed in your account.  Please reach out to the manager of your account to resolve this.  If you are the manager of your account, reach out to CitySpark.

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